
The medicinal value of medlar

The medicinal value of medlar

"Shen Nong's Materia Medica," said medlar "Jiufu tough bones, light body is not old, resistant to cold and heat." "Materia Medica words" praise "so that gas can be filled, the blood can be filled, Yang can be born, Yin may be long." Chinese wolfberry in traditional Chinese medicine is classified as tonic medicine, sexual taste and peace, to the liver, kidney by. Chinese medicine that it can nourish the liver and kidney, Yijing eyesight, nourishing, enhance immunity.
"Shen Nong's Materia Medica," said medlar "Jiufu tough bones, light body is not old, resistant to cold and heat." "Materia Medica words" praise "so that gas can be filled, the blood can be filled, Yang can be born, Yin may be long." Chinese wolfberry in traditional Chinese medicine is classified as tonic medicine, sexual taste and peace, to the liver, kidney by. Chinese medicine that it can nourish the liver and kidney, Yijing eyesight, nourishing, enhance immunity. For kidney deficiency, liver deficiency caused by lower limb weakness, dizziness, ear, infertility infertility, vision loss, chlorosis without embolism.

For modern people, the most practical effect of Chinese wolfberry is anti-fatigue, lower blood lipids, lower blood pressure, anti-fatty liver, protect the liver, excited breathing, dilation of blood vessels. More importantly, medlar can promote the growth of lactobacilli, and lactobacilli is considered to be a can help digestion, fitness, longevity of the goods. Therefore, the wolfberry has been described as one of the ten most classic anti-aging Chinese medicine. The most suitable for eating wolfberry is the physical weakness, poor resistance to people. Moreover, we must adhere to the daily long-term consumption in order to bear fruit. A lot of animal experiments on the wolfberry toxicity show that wolfberry is a very safe food, which does not contain any toxins, can be long-term consumption.

Eat wolfberry can also beauty, this is a lot of people do not know. This is because the wolfberry can improve the ability of the skin to absorb nutrients, in addition, can play the role of whitening.

Chinese wolfberry is a kind of health food has been into the tens of thousands of households, and its bright red coat is similar to the color, a lot of people on its preference is far better than other tonic. Wolfberry four seasons can be taken. Then the four seasons should be how to take to achieve its best effect?

Spring, all things recovery, the body yang fat up. Chinese wolfberry sweet replenishment, so the spring can be taken alone, but also with the sweet taste of the goods (such as Astragalus) at the same time taking, can help people yang hair.

Summer hot, people are eager to a pot of sweet and dry tea to eliminate heat, wolfberry sweet, such as compatibility chrysanthemum, honeysuckle, green tea, after drinking feel relaxed and happy. Especially with chrysanthemum compatibility, you can Ziyin eyesight, clear anger.

Autumn dry air, people always feel dry mouth cleft lip, skin from the debris, moisturizing cream is also difficult to resist the thirsty autumn wind. This season to eat wolfberry need to match the moisture food, such as Sydney, Chuanbei, lily, jade bamboo, the effect is better. Of course, some acidic foods, such as hawthorn, has reached the "acid Gan Yin" effect.

In winter, people in the thick coat to help their own yang to resist the cold. Wolfberry can Ping Yang yang, taking every day, especially with the combination of mutton, Jinkui Shenqi pills together to help the body yang growth, resistance to natural cold.

