The medicinal value of honey
Honey on the gastrointestinal function of a regulatory role, can promote the normal secretion of gastric acid. It also enhances the effect of bowel movements, can significantly shorten the defecation time. Honey on colitis, habitual constipation have a good adjuvant therapy, and without any side effects. Honey can cause stomach pain and stomach burning sense of disappearance, suffering from stomach ulodial ulcer, often taking honey, may have the role of adjuvant therapy.
"Compendium of Materia Medica" described in the honey: "heat also, fill also, detoxification also, pain also." In the process of prevention and treatment of Chinese medicine, honey is mainly used in the following aspects.
(1) skin care beauty
Fresh honey applied to the skin, can play a moisturizing and nutritional effects, so that the skin delicate, smooth, flexible.
(2) anti-bacterial anti-inflammatory, promote wound healing
High quality honey at room temperature for several years will not be rotten, because it is rich in flavonoids, with significant antioxidant activity. Modern research shows that honey on Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, diphtheria bacillus have a strong inhibitory effect.
Usage: In dealing with the wound, the honey applied to the affected area, can reduce the leakage, reduce pain, promote wound healing, to prevent infection. More suitable for the baby!
(3) to promote digestion
Honey on the gastrointestinal function of a regulatory role, can promote the normal secretion of gastric acid. It also enhances the effect of bowel movements, can significantly shorten the defecation time.
Usage: honey on colitis, habitual constipation have a good adjuvant therapy, and without any side effects. Honey can cause stomach pain and stomach burning sense of disappearance, suffering from stomach ulodial ulcer, often taking honey, may have the role of adjuvant therapy.
(4) to improve immunity
Honey contains a variety of enzymes and minerals, can improve the body immunity.
How to use: European countries commonly used honey treatment of colds, pharyngitis and discomfort. Method is to use 1 cup of water plus 2 spoons of honey and 4 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice, taking 3 to 4 cups a day.
(5) to promote longevity
Former Soviet scholars have investigated more than 200 elderly people over the age of 100, of which 143 people for beekeepers, confirmed that their longevity and eat honey related. Honey to promote the mechanism of longevity is more complex, may be the result of the comprehensive treatment of the human body.
(6) to improve sleep
Honey can relieve nervous tension, promote sleep, and have a certain analgesic effect. Honey in the glucose, vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium can regulate the nervous system, promote sleep.
Use: neurasthenia, drink a spoonful of honey before going to bed every night, can improve sleep. Especially from apple flowers apple honey, its sedative function is more prominent.
(7) liver function
Honey has a protective effect on the liver, can provide energy for the liver metabolic activity preparation, can stimulate liver tissue regeneration, play a role in repair injury.
Use: for chronic hepatitis and liver dysfunction, can eat honey, to improve liver function.
(8) anti-fatigue
Honey in the fructose, glucose can be quickly absorbed, improve the nutritional status of the blood. Fatigue when taking honey, 15 minutes after the apparent fatigue symptoms can be eliminated.
Use: mental workers and those who stay up all night, blunt honey water can energetic. Athletes take honey 15 minutes before the game, can help improve physical fitness.
(9) to protect the cardiovascular system
Honey has the role of expansion of coronary artery and nutrient myocardium, can improve heart function, the regulation of blood pressure.
Use: heart disease, taking 50 to 140 grams of honey a day, 1 to 2 months the disease can be improved. Hypertension, every morning and evening 1 cup of honey water, but also useful to control blood pressure. Atherosclerosis who eat honey, there is the role of protection of blood vessels and blood pressure.
(10) lungs and cough
Honey can lungs, with a certain role in cough, commonly used to assist in the treatment of tuberculosis and bronchitis.
How to use: Weak and more cough people can eat honey. Honey can be used to assist in the treatment of rhinitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis and asthma. Batch of honey cough effect is more prominent.
(11) to promote calcium absorption
US Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Center experts found that honey can prevent middle-aged women due to calcium loss caused by osteoporosis. This is because the boron in the honey can increase the activity of estrogen to prevent the loss of calcium.
Usage: 1 spoonful of honey with the right amount of calcium supplements, can increase the absorption rate of calcium.