
Medicinal value of purslane

Medicinal value of purslane

Chinese medicine that its sweet and cold, there is heat and dampness, Zhili anti-inflammatory, detoxification treatment of sore effect. Modern medicine also believes that it is suitable for gastrointestinal infections, rough skin, vitamin A deficiency, corneal softening, dry eye and night blindness and other patients eat. At the same time, it is particularly effective for dysentery bacilli, suitable for the treatment of acute and chronic dysentery, enteritis, cystitis, urethritis, "natural antibiotics" reputation.
Purslane has become one of the edible wild vegetables, there are cultivation. Because of its leaves, such as horse teeth, and slippery and like amaranth, hence the name purslane. It has had a significant contribution to the survival of mankind, is our ancestors in the famine often eat a kind of wild vegetables. Chinese medicine that its sweet and cold, there is heat and dampness, Zhili anti-inflammatory, detoxification treatment of sore effect. Modern medicine also believes that it is suitable for gastrointestinal infections, rough skin, vitamin A deficiency, corneal softening, dry eye and night blindness and other patients eat. At the same time, it is particularly effective for dysentery bacilli, suitable for the treatment of acute and chronic dysentery, enteritis, cystitis, urethritis, "natural antibiotics" reputation.

Portulaca is rich in nutrients, mainly containing a large amount of norepinephrine and a large amount of potassium, and contains malic acid, citric acid, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, oxalic acid, resin, flavonoids, protein, carotene, Vitamins, etc., on the human body have a certain nutritional value.

In recent years, a research institute of the US Department of Agriculture has carried out long-term research on purslane and found that the stem and leaf of the horse contains a kind of nutrients which are extremely important to human body - SL3 fatty acid. This fatty acid is an important ingredient in the formation of cell membranes, especially brain cells and ocular cell membranes. It was thought that this fatty acid was stored only in the body of a fat marine fish (such as sardines, mackerel, saury, etc.). The accident found that for the human diet to add a blind new high-nutrition food sources. 100 ml of purslane juice, containing SL3 about 200 mg, compared with the fish did not touch the color. In addition, purslane also contains vitamin E and carotene, these two substances are natural antioxidants, they can effectively prevent free radicals on human tissue damage, anti-aging, prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease and anti-cancer, Anti-obesity function. Some European food stores and restaurants have begun to supply a variety of purslane food, including purslane salad, purslane sandwich, and for the table with the purslane sauce.

The medicinal value of ginger

The medicinal value of ginger
Ginger's spicy ingredients are ginger ketone, ginger alcohol, gingerol three, they have a certain degree of volatility, can enhance and accelerate blood circulation, stimulate gastric secretion, help digestion, there are stomach function. Ginger also has a sweating solution table, the temperature in the vomiting effect, catch cold, cold boil some ginger soup to drink, can play a very good therapeutic effect. Ginger can also stop motion sickness seasickness. Ginger is also the traditional treatment of nausea, vomiting of traditional Chinese medicine, "vomiting home medicine" reputation.
Ginger, also known as fresh ginger, turmeric, has a unique spicy aroma, is a commonly used condiment, it can make a variety of delicious dishes, taste fragrance. Eat a little incense or appetite to eat when eating a few slices of ginger or put a little tender ginger in the dish, can improve appetite, increase appetite, so the saying goes: "rice is not fragrant, eat ginger.

Ginger's spicy ingredients are ginger ketone, ginger alcohol, gingerol three, they have a certain degree of volatility, can enhance and accelerate blood circulation, stimulate gastric secretion, help digestion, there are stomach function. Ginger also has a sweating solution table, the temperature in the vomiting effect, catch cold, cold boil some ginger soup to drink, can play a very good therapeutic effect. Ginger can also stop motion sickness seasickness. Ginger is also the traditional treatment of nausea, vomiting of traditional Chinese medicine, "vomiting home medicine" reputation.

The effectiveness of ginger longevity has been confirmed by modern pharmacological experiments. Ginger in the ginger peptides by digestion and absorption, can produce an anti-aging antioxidant enzymes, thereby inhibiting the body's lipofuscin pigment production and deposition, delay cell aging. Therefore, the elderly in the usual meal in the amount of ginger and ginger to eat products, can achieve anti-disease and anti-aging, the effectiveness of the maintenance of the natural year. In addition, ginger in the ginger and ginger oil (ginger alcohol, ginger), the human respiratory center and vascular movement center excitement, can promote blood circulation to speed up the prevention and treatment of cold have a certain effect.

Ginger mix - ginger and its "block"

Ginger sweating effect is weak, often with ephedra, cassia twigs with the same, as a sweat solution table auxiliary drugs, can enhance the sweat strength. Ginger for vomiting drugs, can be used alone, the treatment of cold stomach vomiting; also with Pinellia, bamboo mushroom, berberine with the use of governance, stomach heat and vomiting. Ginger can cure fish crab poison, alone or with basil with the use. In addition, the ginger can dissolve Pinellia, Health Southern Star of the drug, Jiantang Beverage Service, can be used for the treatment of Pinellia virus, Southern Star poison caused by laryngeal tongue numbness embolism. So in the preparation of Pinellia, Southern Star, when the common ginger with the system to reduce their toxicity.

① ginger juice: the ginger washed after the break, pick its juice into medicine. Sexual taste Xin temperature, phlegm, vomiting effect, mainly for nausea and vomiting and cough phlegm more embolism. The general amount of 3 to 10 drops, blunt.

② ginger skin: the ginger's skin. Sexual taste Xinliang, diuretic swelling effect, suitable for urination, edema embolism, can be used with the melon skin, mulberry white skin equivalent use. The general dosage is 1 ~ 4. 5 grams, decoction.

③ simmer ginger: the original only fresh ginger washed, wrapped with grass paper, placed in the water soaked, directly on the fire simmer, to be grass paper black, ginger cooked for the degree; or directly set fire in the baked. Sexual taste Xin Wen, with and suspended vomiting function. Applicable to the spleen and stomach, nausea and vomiting embolism. General dosage of 2 to 3 tablets, decoction.


Can reduce blood fat of traditional Chinese medicine

Can reduce blood fat of traditional Chinese medicine

Alisma: for the diarrhea of ​​the perennial swamp plant Alisma diarrhea. Sweet and cold. With hypolipidemic, prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, prevention and treatment of fatty liver effect. Commonly used proprietary Chinese medicine Alisma lipid-lowering tablets, each 3, 3 times a day, 2 to 3 months for a course of treatment.
(1) Alisma: for the diarrhea of ​​the perennial swamp plant Alisma diarrhea. Sweet and cold. With hypolipidemic, prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, prevention and treatment of fatty liver effect. Commonly used proprietary Chinese medicine Alisma lipid-lowering tablets, each 3, 3 times a day, 2 to 3 months for a course of treatment.

(2) Cassia: for the legume annual plant obscure or decisive mature seeds. Sweet, bitter, slightly cold. With inhibition of atherosclerotic plaque formation, inhibition of serum cholesterol increased the role of hypolipidemic effect is very significant. Available 50 grams of cassia seed, add water, decoction after taking 2 times, 1 month for a course of treatment.

(3) Polygonum multiflorum: Polygonum multiflorum herbaceous Polygonum multiflorum root block. Gas micro, taste bitter cold. Can promote intestinal peristalsis, accelerate the excretion of cholesterol, reduce the body's absorption of cholesterol, which play a lower blood lipids, inhibit the role of atherosclerosis. He Shouma also liver and kidney, Yijing blood, catharsis diarrhea and other effects, especially for elderly patients with hyperlipidemia both liver and kidney, constipation patients taking. Commonly used proprietary Chinese medicine Shouwu tablets, each 5, 3 times a day, once every 1 to 3 months, the effect is significant.

(4) rhubarb: Polygonaceae perennial herbs palm leaf rhubarb or rhubarb rhubarb root base. Bitter, cold With lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol and so on. In addition, raw rhubarb has blood circulation, attack the role of laxative. Therefore, rhubarb is particularly suitable for patients with hyperlipidemia in dry stool. Can be oral rhubarb powder, each 0.25 grams, daily day, 1 month for a course of treatment.

(5) hawthorn: for the Rosaceae deciduous shrub or small tree plant wild hawthorn fruit. Taste sweet and sour, sexual tepid. Have increased gastric juice digestive enzymes, dilate blood vessels, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol and so on. Common Chinese medicine has hawthorn tablets, each 2 to 3 tablets, 3 times a day, 1 month for a course of treatment. You can also use 50 grams of hawthorn fruit, add boiling water, on behalf of the tea frequency drink.

(6) Puhuang: for the tangerine plants aquatic plants herb candle Puhuang pollen. Sweet, flat. Can inhibit the intestinal absorption of exogenous cholesterol, which play a role in lowering blood lipids. It is noteworthy that the butter and residue without this effect, only the raw Puhuang have this effect. Oral Puhuang film, each 3, 3 times a day, 1 to 2 months for a course.

(7) safflower: flowers for the two-year-old herbaceous plants safflower. Weixin, the temperature. Safflower can reduce serum total cholesterol, lower blood pressure and triglycerides, and the role of expansion of the coronary artery.

(8) Ginkgo biloba: dry leaves of ginkgo tree for ginkgo tree deciduous tree plant. There is expansion of the coronary artery, lower cholesterol. For the treatment of hyperlipidemia, hypertension, coronary heart disease caused by angina have a certain role.


The medicinal value of red dates

The medicinal value of red dates
Red dates can Bu Zhong Yi Qi, spleen and stomach, and heart and lung, tone nutrition, slow Yin blood, Sheng fluid, Yue color, through Jiuqiao, to help twelve, and hundred drugs. Li Shizhen in the "Compendium of Materia Medica," said: "jujube smell Gan Ping, An Zhong Yang temper, flat stomach gas, through Jiuqiao, to help twelve by, make up the gas ... ... Jiuyi light body extension.
Day three jujube, hundred years old is not old. "Jujube is not only delicious fruit, or nourishing medicine, a strong gluten Zhuanggu, blood line gas, Ziyi Run Yan effect.

Jujube as a medicinal, ancient Chinese medical literature has long been described. Red dates can Bu Zhong Yi Qi, spleen and stomach, and heart and lung, tone nutrition, slow Yin blood, Sheng fluid, Yue color, through Jiuqiao, to help twelve, and hundred drugs. Li Shizhen in the "Compendium of Materia Medica," said: "jujube smell Gan Ping, Ann in the temper, flat stomach gas, through Jiuqiao, to help twelve by, make up the gas ... ... Jiufu light body extension." Modern medical research shows that , Jujube on allergic purpura, anemia, high blood pressure, acute and chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, gastrointestinal cancer and other diseases have efficacy. The medicinal value of red dates is mainly reflected in:

(1) spleen and stomach

Diarrhea, spleen and stomach weakness, fatigue, weak people, eat 7 red dates every day, or with Atractylodes, Codonopsis common, able to spleen and stomach, Bu Zhong Yi Qi, to increase appetite, diarrhea purposes. If jujube and ginger, Pinellia with, can be used to treat eating stomach caused by gastritis, such as vomiting, bloating and other symptoms.

(2) qi and blood

Jujube is to make up Jiapin, diet Diet often add red dates to nourish the body, nourishing blood. Usually eat red dates, Astragalus, Chinese wolfberry, but also enhance the vitality of the body, enhance immunity.

(3) nourishing and soothe the nerves

Crying uneasy, female bipolar disorder, uneasy and so on, with red dates and licorice, wheat with the use, can play Shugan Jieyu, nourishing the effect of soothe the nerves.

(4) ease the drug

Jujube is often used in potent prescriptions to reduce the side effects of potent drugs, to reconcile medications, and to protect uprightness.

Because the jujube sugar content is too high, so the best diabetic patients eat less.


The medicinal value of radish

The medicinal value of radish

White radish is rich in calcium and phosphorus, potassium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin B and so on, especially vitamin C content is high, making it antioxidant and inhibit cell aging effect is obvious. In addition, white radish contains a lot of digestive enzymes starch, can prevent too much stomach acid, to promote the digestive function of a great role, suitable for consumption of gastritis patients.
Radish, is our people are very fond of one of the edible vegetables, folk there are "radish little ginseng", "radish on the street, pharmacies take spleen", "radish cooked, doctors cry", "winter eat radish summer eat Ginger, do not labor doctor prescription "and other proverbs. It can be seen that the medicinal value of radish is very high.

White radish is rich in calcium and phosphorus, potassium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin B and so on, especially vitamin C content is high, making it antioxidant and inhibit cell aging effect is obvious. In addition, white radish contains a lot of digestive enzymes starch, can prevent too much stomach acid, to promote the digestive function of a great role, suitable for consumption of gastritis patients.

Carrot is a crisp and delicious, nutritious homemade vegetables, known as "little ginseng," said. Carrots are rich in sugar, fat, volatile oil, carotene, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, anthocyanins, calcium, iron and other nutrients. US scientists have confirmed that eating two carrots a day can reduce blood cholesterol by 10% to 20%; eat three carrots a day to help prevent heart disease and cancer. Chinese medicine that carrots sweet, nature, there are spleen and stomach, Bugan eyesight, Qingrejiedu, impotence kidney, Touzhen, Qi and cough and other effects, can be used for gastrointestinal discomfort, constipation, blindness, sexual dysfunction, Measles, whooping cough, pediatric malnutrition and other illnesses.

Radish contains less calories, more cellulose, easy to produce a sense of fullness after eating, which are conducive to weight loss.

Radish can induce the body itself to produce interferon, increase the body immunity, and can inhibit the growth of cancer cells, anti-cancer, anti-cancer has an important role.

Radish in the mustard oil and crude fiber can promote gastrointestinal motility, contribute to the body of waste discharge.

Eat radish can reduce blood lipids, soften blood vessels, stable blood pressure, prevention of coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, cholelithiasis and other diseases.

Tip: ① alone, carrots and white radish are nutritious food. However, if the carrots and white radish together to make dishes, although it looks very white and white, but in fact not scientific. This is because some of the ingredients in the carrot will destroy the white radish in the high content of vitamin C.

② weight loss, early cancer patients, constipation, high blood lipids and hypertensive patients can eat radish;

Dry and gastritis, simple goiter, chronic gastritis, simple gastritis, chronic gastritis, simple goiter, chronic gastritis, simple goiter, chronic gastritis, simple goiter, Threatened abortion, uterine prolapse and other patients not eat radish.


The medicinal value of lotus leaf

The medicinal value of lotus leaf
Lotus leaf for many years the leaves of aquatic herbs, bitter, pass, nature. Can heat Jieshu, liter Qingyang, cooling blood to stop bleeding. Can be used for the treatment of heat and polydipsia, Shu diarrhea, spleen deficiency diarrhea, blood hot spit bleed at the nose, blood circulation and other symptoms. Modern pharmacological studies have found that lotus leaf has antipyretic, antibacterial, antispasmodic effect.
Lotus leaf for many years the leaves of aquatic herbs, bitter, pass, nature. Can heat Jieshu, liter Qingyang, cooling blood to stop bleeding. Can be used for the treatment of heat and polydipsia, Shu diarrhea, spleen deficiency diarrhea, blood hot spit bleed at the nose, blood circulation and other symptoms. Modern pharmacological studies have found that lotus leaf has antipyretic, antibacterial, antispasmodic effect.

Its main chemical into lotus leaf, citric acid, malic acid, gluconic acid, oxalic acid, succinic acid and so on. Lotus leaves since ancient times is to lose weight to share, as early as the Ming Dynasty there are medical records: "lotus leaf weight loss, it is thin", and because of its natural plants, no side effects, and quick and quite negative.

Medicinal value of red bean

Medicinal value of red bean
Red beans, also known as red beans, rice red beans, beans. Nature, sweet, sour, non-toxic, homing, small intestine, kidney, bladder by. You can eliminate fullness, Lee urine, through milk, in addition to heat poison, scattered evil blood. Can be used for carbuncle swollen pus and blood, lower abdominal fullness, urine adverse, edema, Fanre, thirst, dysentery, jaundice, milk barrier and other diseases.
Red beans, also known as red beans, rice red beans, beans. Nature, sweet, sour, non-toxic, homing, small intestine, kidney, bladder by. You can eliminate fullness, Lee urine, through milk, in addition to heat poison, scattered evil blood. Can be used for carbuncle swollen pus and blood, lower abdominal fullness, urination, edema, Fanre, thirst, dysentery, jaundice, milk barrier and other diseases; topical can also cure heat poison carbuncle swollen, hematoma, sprain and so on. Yin and no hot and dry urine and those who can not eat.

Red bean nutrition is very rich. In every 100 grams of red beans, containing protein 20. 7 grams, fat 0.5 grams, carbohydrates 58 grams, crude fiber 4.6 grams, calcium 67 mg, iron 5. 2 mg, as well as phosphorus, vitamin B1, vitamins B2, niacin and saponin and other nutrients. Among them, saponin substances with laxative, diuretic and swelling of the role, so often eat red beans, can clear blood, eliminate visceral fatigue, heart disease and kidney disease patients particularly useful. In addition, the red beans on the "long food thin person" argument, the elderly have a certain effect on obesity.