
White paeonao nourishing blood and Rougan

White paeonao nourishing blood and Rougan

Peony flowers large color, beautiful and gratifying, but has been under the weight of Kao Peony, always playing the role of foil, the United States called: flower phase. This two years, Tanabata Festival in the eyes of the status of more and more heavy, "The Book of Songs," that a "Weishi and female, Iraq's joking, donated to peony" charm gradually read, men and women Love is no longer only rose luster, more peony fragrance. In fact, peony is a very unique flower, in the flowers, the name contains the word, that is about this one, it is worthy of the name, is the hands of doctors in the treatment of medicine. Which white peony can nourishing liver, yin and stomach, beauty care, pain in the chest and abdomen, diarrhea abdominal pain, spontaneous sweating, Yin fever, irregular menstruation, uterine bleeding, vaginal treatment widely.

White peony out of Hangzhou good

White peony is very common, all over the country are cultivated. Commonly used in Anhui Bozhou "boiled white peony" and produced in Pan'an, Zhejiang "Hang white peony". White peony summer digging, cut the head and tail and the fibrous roots, to the skin in the boiling water after a little cook, and then dried slices into the medicine can be used when used, soil fried or wine fried. Health white peony for Yin, Rougan, blood, stomach; wine fried white peony for and in the urgency; soil fried white peony for the spleen diarrhea.

"Materia Medica truth" records: "Shaoyao out of Hangzhou good", but with the history of change, white peony has become a common family of medicinal herbs. Zhejiang Pan'an, Jinyun and other places a large number of cultivation, especially in Pan'an, because the geographical environment is very suitable for the growth of white peony, planted throughout the township, once the main origin of Hang white peony, harvest quality for the first of the country.

However, as mentioned in the "Materia Medica China", Zhejiang Pan'an "Hang white peony" although the quality is good, but continue to be "white peony" impact. Bozhou white peony planted area is more than ten times the Hang white peony, and the growth time is short. Therefore, although the quality of Hang white peony is better, but in the fierce price competition there is no advantage at all. "Materia Medica China", the Pan'an Chen Fengyang from 17 years old began to plant white peony root, and now has been over seventy years, or still insist on planting. He said, even if the loss should also be species, the health of the year must let Hang white peony this "authentic herbs" to be inherited.

Anhui white peach gardener care

There is a legend about the white peony in Anhui Bozhou widely spread. According to legend, in the Tang Dynasty, there is a young gardener, he alone in the garden of a pink petals golden flower of the wild flowers, but I do not know its name, please a private school to give it a name called Shaohua. Wu Zetian became the emperor, the world's most famous gardener are recruited into the palace for her flowers, the gardener is also in the column, and bring his belly of Shaohua.

Hundreds of flowers in the harem in the careful care are open in full swing, only Shaohua love with their homeland, increasingly decadent, gardener can not bear the favorite flowers withered, day carefully cultivated. Kung Fu pays off, Shaohua finally re-open, and the gardener is overworked because of hard work. One night, he dreamed of in the blooming Shaohua out of a young and beautiful woman, hand care Linga came to his bed, said: "You worry about my labor tired, I want to unscrew my roots Give you cure. "Then put the Linga wrapped in the Shao root to the gardener. Gardener woke up, the woman has long been no trace, flower roots have left. He had Shao Shao Jianshui drink after the next day sick just fine. In order to thank the Shaohua fairies, gardener to Shaohua renamed "peony".

Later, the gardener because of miss the hometown, with peony fled back to Anhui Bozhou, gave birth to a son, named "white peony". Since then Bozhou became the hometown of white peony. I think this should be a good event in Anhui to Bozhou white peony and the promotion of the moving story.

White peony root good at nourishing blood pain

Song literati in the "Jane Jane" in a question about the peony. The question is: people like to spend flowers to see peony, I would like to ask, peony root is red and white, is the difference between varieties? Answer is: white peony had to Yang of the gas, the color white and good make up, the doctor used to blood and pain; red peony was yang incomplete, the color red and good diarrhea, function is not 侔, natural reason also.

A question and answer, affirmed the main function of white peony: nourishing and pain.

White peony bitter taste, acid, slightly cold. The effect of nourishing and Rougan, the urgency and pain, can be used for liver qi caused by chest pain, abdominal pain and hand and foot spasm and so on. Treatment of hypochondriac pain, often with Bupleurum, Citrus aurantium equivalent; treatment of abdominal pain and hand, foot and spasm, often with licorice compatibility. The ancient liver disease expert Guan Youbo has an experience side called Jianpi Shugan pill, medication for the white peony root, Codonopsis, pregnant yam, fried Yiyiren, dried tangerine peel, angelica, bupleurum, turmeric, the effect is spleen appetizer, Special treatment of liver disease recovery period, liver function has returned to normal and digestive function is not fully restored when the chest pain fullness, food is not fragrant, tired body fatigue. Patients with chronic liver disease associated with the pain under the pain, you can take 6 grams of peony flowers, 50 grams of rice, add water porridge consumption, for adjuvant therapy.

Qi and blood to help beauty

Speaking of nourishing, naturally we must talk about beauty.

Blood is human health, beautiful foundation, blood deficiency, most of the face yellow or light and light, lips pale, nails are not rosy, so it is difficult to appear ruddy and shiny state.

In the nourishing side of traditional Chinese medicine in the use of white peony root, such as "peace Huimin and prescription side" is very famous four things soup, white peony and Rehmannia, angelica, Chuanxiong with, used to blood menstruation. Medical physician Li Dongyuan talk about white peony root, pointed out: "loss of the liver who slow it, that is, blood also", so the four soup with peony. Individuals can also take 12 grams of raw materials at home, white peony root 9 grams, Angelica 6 grams, Chuanxiong 6 grams, plus red dates 3, boiled for 1 hour, even the water with medicine pouring hot water bottle, used to brew roses, Beauty beauty.

Ming Dynasty medical work "Medical Introduction" recorded in the three white soup side, white peony root, Atractylodes, white Poria, licorice, decoction warm clothes. This prescription doctor is used to treat typhoid boring, descendants found that can qi and blood, whitening lotion, for beauty care. White peony sweet, sour, slightly cold, the role of nourishing, and Atractylodes, Poria, etc. with the use of whitening effect. Usually the beauty of the girl can directly take peony flowers tea drinking, for the treatment of facial stains.

Yang Yin Yiwei also good

Peony of another classic side of the "peony licorice soup", with the white peony blood nourishing yin, Rougan pain, stabilize the efficacy of liver yang; licorice Buzhong Qi, Xiehuo detoxification, the urgency of pain relief effect. Medical evaluation of its side, white peanut acid, the most pure wood; licorice sweet, soil of the gas the thickest. Compatibility of the two drugs, there are sweet and sour yin the wonderful, a total of the collection of Yin Yin blood, the urgency of pain relief effect. Physician Zhang Jie ancient said: "white peony medicine, Zhigancao, this Zhongjing Shen medicine also. Summer abdominal pain less baicalin, evil abdominal pain plus cork, cold abdominal pain plus cinnamon."

"Treatise on the" another famous prescription, "Xiao Jianzhong Tang" also has white peony root, both for the temperature tonic, the urgency of analgesic agent, but also to reconcile the yin and yang, Rougan Li spleen side, attending the coke Deficiency, Liver and spleen do not, and abdominal pain, hi hi hi, Shenpi fatigue, virtual Qi little gas, is now used for stomach and duodenal ulcers, chronic hepatitis, chronic gastritis, neurasthenia, aplastic anemia, Functional fever, etc. are in the coke Deficiency, liver and spleen do not and those. "Syrup" recorded in the spleen drink, with white peony root, pregnant yam, heterophylla, coixia, lentils, malt, lotus seeds meat, hawthorn, gold, pueraria, jujube, Hair, yin and camp, and the drug is peaceful, in the treatment of spleen and stomach, stomach bloating, less diet, especially children with dyspepsia, and more to this side for the appropriate addition and subtraction, the child can be happy to accept, and Have a good effect.

Qing Gong Gong Fang Xi white peony

In the "Empress Guangxu prescription", the finishing of the court case there are a number of cream side are used in white peony root. Guangxu three years, the Empress Dowager Cixi dizziness pain, eyes are not refreshing, too doctor Shouhe, Yao Baosheng fake hot liver active cream, containing fine, Hang white peony root, wine Angelica and other drugs for the treatment of liver heat is not Clear disease, which use white peony, liver and yin, liver heat, with the main drug.

Since then, the Empress Dowager Cixi and took a white peony and mulberry leaves as the main drug of the heat and liver care cream, focus on the cold liver and network. Guangxu year on May 19, Zhang Zhongyuan for the Empress Dowager Cixi opened a meal of liver and stomach cream side, containing Codonopsis, Health and white peony root, stone Dendrobium and other drugs. This side was Chen Kiji academician commented as: "transfer the liver and stomach, re-use Sheng Sha Shao, cut the Queen Mother of the liver after the yin deficiency, spleen and stomach and the evidence." This shows the experts on the white peony liver and stomach function affirmed. According to records, Empress and Guangxu have been taking the white peony-based medicine Qingre Huaxing cream conditioning the spleen and stomach.

